Flip Book – Animated GIF

This was something a bit different for me to draw up – even after all my years drawing cartoons I’d never done artwork for a flip book. You’ve seen those books where you flip through the pages to produce an animation!?

Brian Belstirling of The Copy Center asked me if I was able to morph their old logo ‘The Copy Center’ into his new company logo ‘Commerce Print Strategies’. He provided high res files for both logos and then we discussed a few ideas and finally agreed that we would pump up the old logo until it blew up and then all the bits floated down into the new one

Here’s Brian’s original sketch…

sketch for flip book

The finished animated gif…I drew 88 cartoon images/pages to create this flip book…

flip book cartoon animated gif for The Copy Center

If you need an animated gif creating or a flip book  – call Richard +44 1246 209034 or email


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