Health and safety animation video.

One third of all work place injuries are as a result of manual handling techniques. Reduce the hazard from manual handling by using
mechanical aids, team handling, safe lifting techniques & positioning, etc.
1. One foot forward, make a steady base.
2. Unlock the knees, let your thighs take the load
3. Move your feet…don’t twist your spine.
4. Keep it close – don’t overstretch yourself.

If you would like to license this health and safety animation and use it in your company training programme. Or have it customised with your company logo or details.
Please contact Richard on 00 44 1246 209034 or email

I’m also happy to make edits to the video to suit your needs.

Use the above details if you want a bespoke whiteboard animation creating to highlight health and safety hazards. Remember, H & S cartoons can save life or limb!

For other health and safety videos here on YouTube:

Warehouse health and safety hazards:

Manually pulling-pushing a load:

Manual-handling Lifting a load correctly and safely:

Working in confined spaces:

Manual handling:

Incorrect-correct lifting:×8

Safety Rules In The Workplace:

Man Eating Machine – Do not remove guard prior to insulation:

Other motivational cartoons at:

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