After 14 cartoon strips it was decided to introduce ‘Tara’ a installers mate…

“I’m just e-mailing regarding Triton’s installer character, Ed. Basically, Triton was really pleased with the cartoon strips and we also had some extremely positive comments from the trade press. Triton has therefore decided that it would like to do more on the cartoon front.”
Triton is keen on the idea of having a female installer character which could be used to promote the growing trend of women in plumbing. Whether this would take the form of cartoon strips or whether we would look at going down another route I’m not yet sure but we are due to present the proposals to Triton next week and I thought it would be nice to go along to this meeting with a few visual sketches of Ed’s new friend.


Do you think you could draw up a few ideas for me as you did with Ed in the first instance? These only need to be rough sketches to show what she looks like (I imagine her to be quite a tomboy and wearing overalls).